
What Maintenance Should I Do For Summer?

While the summertime is the most fun time of year, it is also the deadliest. According to CCMTA (Canadian Council of Motor Transport Administrators), the most traffic accidents happen during these months. Either caused by human or mechanical error, it is important to take care of yourself and your vehicle. Here are some tips on making sure your vehicle is ready for the heat. 

  • Check your engine 
    • Make sure all the belts and fluids are up to date and filled. Be especially vigilant with your belts as cracks in these can cause catastrophic failures if they break while you’re driving.  
  • Get your AC checked 
    • Air conditioning is a must when it comes to the hottest days of summer. Make sure your AC is working properly so you don’t bake in your vehicle. Please get your AC checked by a professional as it can be dangerous to handle freon or other refrigeration material.  
  • Battery Check 
    • Get your battery checked at our service department to make sure it is functioning properly; you wouldn’t want it to fail at the most inconvenient time. The heat can put extra strain on your battery, so it is important to make sure there are no malfunctions. 
  • Wash & Wax 
    • Sunlight and heat can cause your paint to crack and fade. Wash your vehicle often and make sure to wax it to protect the paint from road damage.  
  • Tires 
    • Heat can get trapped in your tires and expand the rubber. Then the tire deflates and if driven on hot pavement, can increase your chances of a blowout. Check your tire pressure and visually inspect them as often as possible during heatwaves.  
  • Protect your Interior 
    • Protect your interiors by parking in the shade or using windshield protection. By removing sunlight from the equation, you can prevent your interiors from cracking or discoloring. For added protection, condition your leather and vinyl to keep it from drying out or use a seat protector to keep the sensitive materials out of the sun’s reach. 

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Before you head out on your next adventure, visit us at Civic Motors Honda to get your vehicle inspected and maintained. You can also buy seat protectors or windshield protection at our parts department. We want you to enjoy your summer and we hope you’ll take these tips to protect your vehicle from the heat.